Cosmic Dummy

Cosmic Dummy.png

Cosmic Dummy

6.29.21 © Karrie Kirchner

We know so little

collectively as a society.

Will we ever be consciously aware of potential?

This work is part of a series using two elements (plus the background)

Typically, I use three elements in a piece.  Lately, I have been asking myself… Is Collage really art?  All I do is cut, tape and place the paper.  How do I do it differently from others?  No one has the same Spirit that I do.  I believe we are all connected and believe we are all part of a whole.  Individually, we are all imbued with a unique spirit.  It is up to us to bring what is on the inside to the outside.  No one can know what is on/in our insides if we do not share.  I operate under the assumption that SHARING is a basic human need - which happens in concert with community.  You cannot share in a vacuum.  “It takes two to tango.”